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weight loss.

To change your body, you must first change your mind.

To change your body, you must first change your mind.


Be in control, live a long, happy life, free of the stress,

poor self-esteem and health issues that can come with

being overweight or obese.

Being overweight is usually caused by overeating rather than genetic or medical reasons. When carrying around those extra pounds you cannot seem to lose, you are putting yourself at risk for many health issues. Additionally it can produce and contribute to a range of emotional issues that can prevent you from living a healthy, happy and vital life.

This Weight Loss Treatment helps make weight loss an achievable goal. 


Joint Health

Help your knees and elbows. Being overweight puts some serious strain on your joints meaning they can degrade over time. It is also suggested there is a relationship between the presence of excess fat tissue and inflammation. These inflammatory factors could contribute to trouble in smaller joints, such as your hands. Losing weight can mean less knee and foot pain, and can prevent knee, hip, and foot surgeries that come with years of wear and tear. 

Respiratory Health

Get a good night’s sleep. 

Increased weight leads to decreased lung capacity and an increase in the frequency of sleep disordered breathing. Sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and asthma are all worsened by excess weight. A known risk factor of sleep apnea is obesity and weight loss is known to improve symptoms and reduce the risk of other weight-related disorders.

Mental Health

Research shows obesity has a link to memory and concentration problems in general. Obesity is known to be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Research has also shown obesity is linked to depression. Losing weight can help improve your mood, memory, and cognition.

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