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Recover more rapidly. Feel physically and psychologically better post operatively.

Studies show that patients who underwent hypnotherapy prior

to surgery: 

  • Recovered more rapidly.

  • Felt physically and psychologically better post operatively.

  • Required a shorter stay in hospital post operatively.

  • Had less blood loss.

  • Had less pain and anxiety.

  • Required less pain medication.

Often being admitted to hospital causes stress levels to rise. If you’ve been told you need to undergo surgery, whether major or minor, you may understandably have a fear of the process, and your stay in hospital, which can cause stress and anxiety to rise. Anxiety has been linked to increased need for painkillers and longer hospital stays therefore it is important to reduce it. Research has shown that hypnosis can help in preparing the mind and body for surgery without fear and enabling a quicker recovery.


Additionally, following surgery depression may set in due to post-anaesthetic nausea, pain, and the added worry about the healing process. Often if hypnosis is used it may also help in avoiding post-surgical depression.


Additionally, a positive mental attitude towards the healing process needs to be encouraged along with any necessary lifestyle changes such as reducing weight, stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption. This can considerably increase the chances of a full and healthy recovery, especially if it’s lifestyle choices that landed you in hospital in the first place.

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